5 Ways to Boost Your Inner Battery

It's easy to feel drained and exhausted these days as we juggle our work, family, and personal responsibilities. BUT there are a few simple things you can do that ⬆️ your energy throughout the day. Here are 5 tips:
1) Get plenty of 😴 - sleep is important for both physical and mental health. I'd love to be able to tell you how many hours are ideal, but the truth is, it can vary person to person. I'll share that I notice for myself around 8 hours seems to work GREAT!
2) Take care of yourself by cultivating hydration awareness. This can start as soon as you wake up and should continue throughput your day. Hydration includes water and minerals to help absorb the water. It is possible to drink a lot of 💦 and still get dehydrated.
3) Spend time outside every day; get out into nature to soak up some vitamin D (sunshine is a natural mood booster!). Be aware that your mileage will vary. Dont expose yourself to 🌞 if it hurts you. If it is safe for your skin type, shoot for at least 1-10 minutes of sunshine each day.
4) Prioritize self-care by spending time doing things that help you feel connected with your body, whether that may be cooking, dancing or petting your cat. What's YOUR favorite method of reconnecting with your body?
5) Keep moving during the day - even if it's just walking around the office or stretching at your desk, don't sit still too long! Again, this is individual (because #biodiversity ) but for me the magic number is 30-60 minutes.
I hope these tips help move you in the right direction!

Wishing you wholeness and joy,


PS: SPECIAL Limited Time Invitation…

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